Testimonials from our Clients
and Customers Also see
our Photo Gallery of the gold plated car emblems and other items we have
If you are a customer and want to be a part of our testimonials or be one of our featured
Please email us your picture- with you and your gold plated item- and one of just you and a
close up of your item(a variety) with a statement about your experience with Quality Gold Plating or
what you like about your item, what you thought or felt, the new look of your car etc.. and we will add you to
our testimonial page and a possible feature page.
Again, thanks for your business and
"Looks great! I'm so glad I used QGP for my
touch up,
great job!"
Jim H-MN

"After 68K miles my gold still looks new!"
John R-MN
"Utterly Fantastic"
Dave K.- MN

"At Abra I use Quality Gold Plating for all
my gold plating
Craig, Abra Auto Body
"At Rudy Luther we display
gold on our
Show room floor and call
on Steve
from Quality Gold
Plating to do it"
Chad, Rudy Luther

"We like to use Quality
Gold Plating here at Pearson's Auto Body"
Phil E. Senior
Pearson's Auto Body
"We have used you for 10-12 years and never
had a problem"
Howie E.
Customer Service Manager
Luther Collision & Glass

Crystal Collision Center calls on Quality Gold
Plating to gold plate their chrome replacement car emblems.

"QGP does gold on our Mercedes
at Feldmann
Angel Maldonada
General Sales Manager